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Marina Vulović, PhD

Research Division:

EU/Europe Visiting Fellow (on leave of absence)

Areas of Expertise

Short Curriculum vitae

Since 01/2024 Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair of International Relations, University Potsdam, Germany

10/2022–12/2023 Research Associate in the SWP Research Project »Geostrategic Competition for the EU in the Western Balkans«

01/2021–09/2022 Postodoctoral Researcher in the project »Hegemonic Mobilisations in Central and Eastern Europe« at the University of Helsinki, Finland

01/2017–12/2020 Doctoral Researcher in the field of Serbia-Kosovo relations, Doctoral Programme in Political, Societal and Regional Changes, University of Helsinki, Finland

01/2020–03/2020 Visiting Researcher in the Political Science Research Group, IOS Regensburg, Germany

09/2019–12/2019 Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz, Austria

01/2018–03/2018 Visiting Doctoral Student at the Department of Politics and International Relations and at South East European Studies at Oxford (SEESOX), University of Oxford, UK

SWP Publications

External publications