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Young talent development at SWP

As a major research institute, SWP naturally supports early-career researchers. The respective programmes focus on our core activity: the methods and practice of evidence-based policy consulting.

Cooperation with the Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies (BGTS)

We support early-career researchers in cooperation with the Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies (BGTS), which is part of the excellence cluster “Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)” at the Free University of Berlin. This gives early-career researchers employed at SWP access to concrete opportunities within a postgraduate programme. In return, the cooperation offers doctoral candidates from BGTS insights into a central field of practical application.

Affiliate Doctoral Researcher Track at BGTS

Doctoral candidates employed at SWP may participate in specific elements of the BGTS programme. As well as academic colloquia, the twelve-month course-based programme offers a range of relevant modules including specific research methods such as statistics and discourse analysis, as well as university teaching methods and English academic writing. Affiliate Doctoral Researchers may also participate in other courses at BGTS and its partner institutions.

Visiting Doctoral Researcher Track at SWP

Each year we offer up to three places for doctoral students from BGTS to spend three to six months at SWP. They participate in the day to day work at SWP and receive deep insights into the practical sphere of evidence-based policy consulting. The opportunities include hands-on experience in consulting and event organising, as well as relevant methodological skills.

The cooperation programme began in winter semester 2022/23.

Link to the cluster of excellencce „Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)”: https://www.scripts-berlin.eu/de/birt/bgts/index.html